Learn simple healing breath techniques that you can use integrated in your daily life to heal physical, mental & emotional trauma.


Whether it’s chronic pain that won’t respond to conventional treatment...


Racing thoughts and anxiety from stress and past trauma,

Emotional heaviness that anchors you to the past and doesn't allow you to move forward,

And even severe physical disability

There is something you do every day already that, once done right, will change everything.

Maybe you’ve been on this quest of healing and transformation for a while...

Maybe you’ve tried everything from prescription meds to yoga, conventional therapy to psychedelics.

Each thing helps a little. But you’re still stuck with the pain and stress that can’t seem to escape you. 

But there is an answer, and it’s right under your nose ;)

It’s time to take your power back.

It’s time to hack your brain and body to work FOR YOU in ways you never thought possible.

To take FULL control of YOUR life.

And you can.

With just your breath.

Liberation and healing is already within you.

> Let’s unlock it once and for all.

 Excited yet?

Let's see if you're in the right place.

Do any of these statements sound like you?

You’ve been on the healing journey for a while, but are looking for something that will next level your experience?

You’ve always been highly driven but you feel like you’re just not tapping into the full potential of what you’re truly capable of?

Your current stress can be consuming, and you want to add some transformational tools to your toolkit?

Sometimes you feel like you’re at war with your body and your pain, and you wish you had something that could unlock that for you instantly?

You’ve been eagerly exploring countless self-help approaches and while you’ve experienced some shifts, the results have not been enough to make the full shift?

Your body is still carrying around past trauma in the form of physical ailments, emotional pain and/or mental challenges and you want to release it?

You’re committed to the healing journey and are ready to finally FEEL BETTER on demand?


 Excited yet?

Let's see if you're in the right place.

Do any of these statements sound like you?

You’ve been on the healing journey for a while, but are looking for something that will next level your experience?

You’ve always been highly driven but you feel like you’re just not tapping into the full potential of what you’re truly capable of?

Your current stress can be consuming, and you want to add some transformational tools to your toolkit?

Sometimes you feel like you’re at war with your body and your pain, and you wish you had something that could unlock that for you instantly?

You’ve been eagerly exploring countless self-help approaches and while you’ve experienced some shifts, the results have not been enough to make the full shift?

Your body is still carrying around past trauma in the form of physical ailments, emotional paid and/or mental challenges and you want to release it?

You’re committed to the healing journey and are ready to finally FEEL BETTER on demand?


"I was skeptical about breathwork at first, but after one session with the Welcome Home method, I was hooked. The deep breathing exercises help me quiet my mind and reduce my stress levels, which has had a positive impact on all areas of my life."

Kaleb K.

"I was skeptical about breathwork at first, but after one session with the Welcome Home method, I was hooked. The deep breathing exercises help me quiet my mind and reduce my stress levels, which has had a positive impact on all areas of my life."

Kaleb K.

You're not alone.

This is what I refer to as: 

Imagine two paths: one leading to fulfillment and the other to suffering. The distress path can hurt your body and mind, causing health issues over time - such as disease, chronic pain, and mental health disorders. At Willful Warrior, we give you tools to use your breath to transmute stress and lead you toward a life of peace, health, and freedom.

I’m here to tell you… 

 Struggling and stuck ISN’T your reality. 

Now, whether you’re excited and hopeful, skeptical or think I’m full of sh*t…

 ⬇ Hear me out. ⬇

Hi, I’m Leland. 

After healing myself completely from paralysis (twice), colon cancer, addiction, and PTSD from the military and my father’s suicide - using the same breath techniques I’m going to teach you here, this is what I now know is true:


We will never be able to control what happens to us.

We can only ever control how we allow those experiences to affect us.

It IS possible to make your body and your mind your servants.

As a combat veteran now studying for a double doctorate in Neuroscience and Psychology, and Founder of  The Willful Warrior - myself and hundreds of our warriors have proven that…

Limitless freedom and power is born from WITHIN YOU through proper use of your breath.

When we learn how to consistently access our inner peace, vitality and clarity, through proper breathing we have the power to change our own mind, body and spirit- for the better.


The 5-Week Program is designed to show you how to access and harness your inner warrior to heal yourself, using the one tool using the one tool you’ll always have access to: 


5 specialized breathing practices

Transmute your stress & pain to healing energy using these ancient breath techniques honed by modern science.

Breathing Practices Backed-by-Science and Ancient Wisdom

Dive into easy breathing techniques, merging modern science with timeless ancient wisdom for optimal well-being.

10 virtual trainings modules

Learn and work directly with Leland and benefit from the 20-years of his experience and expertise.

Expert-Led Trainings & Breathwork Sessions

Five weeks of dedicated group training. Learn and experience freedom from Leland’s 20-years of expertise. 


Access recorded Q & A sessions that are very informative, to perfect your practice for optimal results.

5, weekly 1-hour Group Q&A Sessions

Engage in five enriching hour-long group Q&A sessions, addressing all your questions with expert insights.

LIFETIME Access via the willful warrior portal

Gain lifetime access to all class recordings, ensuring you can revisit and refine your understanding anytime.

Recording Access via the willful warrior portal

Gain lifetime access to all class recordings, ensuring you can revisit and refine your understanding anytime.


We’ve been taught that in order to make changes to our health or mental well-being, we need to change our diets, prescriptions, fitness routines, supplementation, and water sourcing.

And while those shifts can help, they’re only a temporary bandaid if you’re still consistently breathing wrong - which is why we don’t experience lasting or big shifts.

Even endurance runners and power lifters realize at some point that they can’t out-train their minds.  The physical exertion and busy-ness can only distract them for so long.

Here's the simple truth:
We can go for weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without breathing.

Life itself comes from your breath. 

It's time to start treating it that way.

After 10 years of research, immersive study and application of the science behind the mind-body connection in fields such as neuroscience, psychology, epigenetics, and even ancient traditions, I created the pillar methodology for all of our programs and events at Willful Warrior - The Welcome Home Method.

The Welcome Home Method is the guiding principle of our The Willful Warrior Fundamentals Program to activate your biological gene expression which upregulates health in every aspect and has a significantly positive effect on the mind.

 We all know life can get messy, bogging down our minds and bodies with trauma. In this state, it is easy to get stuck in repetitive cycles of negativity that change who we are and how we perceive and interact with the world.

The Welcome Home Method breaks you out of this cycle by returning you to a balanced state of being - where you’re energized and ready to deal with the challenges of life in a more easeful manner. 

It gives you the ability to see opportunities where you would have only seen stressful challenges.

In this natural flow state, we’re able to walk through life with grace and nobility, creating life rather than surviving its events.

The method is a proprietary combination of unique breathwork and meditation practices, designed to bring you back to the hormonal, cardiovascular, and neurological center; where you are calm, compassionate, clear-minded, and aware.

We also use this method with our Warriors post-military service to overcome PTSD and depression.

Done properly, there is a biochemical shift away from the hormones of stress – cortisol, adrenaline, norepinephrine, and an increase in your “happy” hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins.

It also turns on the production of metabolites, activates neuropeptides, and many healing biochemical compounds such as Dimethyltryptamine DMT (The Spirit Molecule), & Anandamide (The Bliss Molecule).

In simpler terms - The Welcome Home Method creates science-proven
shifts of coherence and stability in the body and brain.

The Willful Warrior Fundamentals program guides you through The Welcome Home Method, in a comprehensive 5-week course so you can not only learn the art of the practices but also the science of them to retrain your brain into new pathways of awareness and belief.

We blend enlightening lectures on the underlying science with hands-on guidance, just like a yoga teacher gives the specifics details of a pose. 

During each week of the program, you'll have a transformative experience in the breathwork session, followed by an opportunity to share your experience, insights, and receive additional expert guidance.


After 10 years of research, immersive study and application of the science behind the mind-body connection in fields such as neuroscience, psychology, epigenetics, and even ancient traditions, I created the pillar methodology for all of our programs and events at Willful Warrior - The Welcome Home Method.

The Welcome Home Method is the guiding principle of our The Willful Warrior Fundamentals Program to activate your biological gene expression which upregulates health in every aspect and has a significantly positive effect on the mind.

 We all know life can get messy, bogging down our minds and bodies with trauma. In this state, it is easy to get stuck in repetitive cycles of negativity that change who we are and how we perceive and interact with the world.

The Welcome Home Method breaks you out of this cycle by returning you to a balanced state of being - where you’re energized and ready to deal with the challenges of life in a more easeful manner. 

It gives you the ability to see opportunities where you would have only seen stressful challenges.

In this natural flow state, we’re able to walk through life with grace and nobility, creating life rather than surviving its events.

The method is a proprietary combination of unique breathwork and meditation practices, designed to bring you back to the hormonal, cardiovascular, and neurological center; where you are calm, compassionate, clear-minded, and aware.

We also use this method with our Warriors post-military service to overcome PTSD and depression.

Done properly, there is a biochemical shift away from the hormones of stress – cortisol, adrenaline, norepinephrine, and an increase in your “happy” hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins.

It also turns on the production of metabolites, activates neuropeptides, and many healing biochemical compounds such as Dimethyltryptamine DMT (The Spirit Molecule), & Anandamide (The Bliss Molecule).

In simpler terms - The Welcome Home Method creates science-proven
shifts of coherence and stability in the body and brain.

The Willful Warrior Fundamentals program guides you through The Welcome Home Method, in a comprehensive 5-week course so you can not only learn the art of the practices but also the science of them to retrain your brain into new pathways of awareness and belief.

We blend enlightening lectures on the underlying science with hands-on guidance, just like a yoga teacher gives the specifics details of a pose. 

During each week of the program, you'll have a transformative experience in the breathwork session, followed by an opportunity to share your experience, insights, and receive additional expert guidance.

Week 1

The Basics of Breath

Unpack the contrasts between nasal and oral breathing, and embrace exercises to enhance the crucial mind-body-diaphragm connection. Learn our signature 60-Second to Freedom exercise, that you can use throughout your entire day. We will wrap up with 20 minutes of a guided breathwork experience.

Week 2

The Heart Lung Relationship

Discover the intertwined world of our lungs and heart, learning how each breath influences them. Dive into the "Ocean Breath" - an exploration of chest-focused breathing with sound (or, as our military pals call it, "Tactical Breathing"). We'll cap it off by integrating this into our closing practice.

Week 3

A Triad of Heart, Brain, and Breath

Immerse yourself in the connections tying your heart, brain, and breath together. Master a breathing technique designed to stabilize your nervous system. This adaptive method flexes to your body's rhythm, lowering high blood pressure or raising it if it's too low. We've borrowed this "Heart-focused Breathing" from the pros at HeartMath.

Week 4

Brain Meets Gut

Explore the intriguing dance between your brain and the 'gut brain', and how your breath choreographs their moves. We'll also decode the science and art of "Alternate Nostril Breathing." Plus, a practice session to understand how all these breathing techniques harmonize with your nervous system.

Week 5

The Grand Finale

As we wrap up, we'll tie together all of the breathe techniques so you’re fully equipped to be able to release stress and access your inner freedom anytime you need it, regardless of what life throws your way.

Lisa felt calm after years of anxiety:

"I've been struggling with anxiety and depression for years, but this willful warrior breathing has helped me manage my symptoms and improve my overall mental health. I'm able to manage my stress soo much better and even at my worst, doing the 60 seconds to freedom gives me such a needed break and moment of calm, its amazing. Love it, thank you Leland!"

Dave got relief from insomnia & PTSD:

"As a combat veteran, sleep has been a real battle and I have dealt with PTSD for years. After trying countless medications and therapies, I finally found relief through the Welcome Home method. The breathing exercises help me fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, without the need for any medication."


 How does this sound?

In the WILLFUL WARRIOR FUNDAMENTALS program, you will learn how to: 


 Replace Stress with Peace by Regulating Your Nervous System

Recognize the powerful role of breath in regulating the nervous system (which is responsible for EVERYTHING in your body).  Discover how the powerful breathing techniques that you’ll learn throughout the program can either stimulate or calm the system as well as reduce stress and pain.

 Tap Into Life’s True Essence

Understand the significance of breath as the source of life, recognizing its primary role in our health and well-being compared to food, water, and other elements.

 Forge a Deeper Connection to Yourself

Discover the distinct differences between nasal and oral breathing and the profound impacts each can have on overall health, especially concerning the mind/body connection to the diaphragm. 

 Get Stronger and Relieve Pain

Learn and practice techniques to strengthen the connection to the diaphragm and intercostals, which are our primary breathing muscles, and experience the transformative power of the "60-Seconds to Freedom" exercise.

 Improve your Digestion & Harmonize Your Brain-Gut Connection

Investigate the intricate relationship between the brain and the gut, where you’ll learn how the health of your stomach and digestion is actually linked directly to your daily mental clarity, performance, and energy, as well as the foundational bodily system for disease prevention.

  Unlock Your Body’s True Healing Potential

Discover how to activate your “personal pharmacy” of over 1,400 internally derived compounds within your own body with the proper breath “prescription”.


How does this sound?

 In the WILLFUL WARRIOR FUNDAMENTALS program, you will learn how to: 


 Replace Stress with Peace by Regulating Your Nervous System

Recognize the powerful role of breath in regulating the nervous system (which is responsible for EVERYTHING in your body).  Discover how the powerful breathing techniques that you’ll learn throughout the program can either stimulate or calm the system as well as reduce stress and pain.

 Tap Into Life’s True Essence

Understand the significance of breath as the source of life, recognizing its primary role in our health and well-being compared to food, water, and other elements.

 Forge a Deeper Connection to Yourself

Discover the distinct differences between nasal and oral breathing and the profound impacts each can have on overall health, especially concerning the mind/body connection to the diaphragm. 

 Get Stronger and Relieve Pain

Learn and practice techniques to strengthen the connection to the diaphragm and intercostals, which are our primary breathing muscles, and experience the transformative power of the "60-Seconds to Freedom" exercise.

 Improve your Digestion & Harmonize Your Brain-Gut Connection

Investigate the intricate relationship between the brain and the gut, where you’ll learn how the health of your stomach and digestion is actually linked directly to your daily mental clarity, performance, and energy, as well as the foundational bodily system for disease prevention.

  Unlock Your Body’s True Healing Potential

Discover how to activate your “personal pharmacy” of over 1,400 internally derived compounds within your own body with the proper breath “prescription”.


Meet your facilitator: Leland Holgate Sr.

Let's get to know each other.

Growing up as the child of a special forces officer, I witnessed firsthand the toll extreme stress could take on a person's mental well-being. 

My upbringing was a front-row seat to experience mental instability. 

Even though I was a kid, I had a lot of compassion for my Dad. I knew deep down it was what he was experiencing in the military and his inability to cope with that, and not him as an individual, that was fueling his actions.

At 17, I got tired of being told what to do so I joined the military. 

Ironic, right?

I joined the Air Force as air crew. After I graduated SERE and POW training, I was assigned to the most deployed squadron in the entire military. During that time, I decided I wanted to join special forces, too.

When I was back in the States on leave, I went boating with some friends and got in an accident that left me clinically dead for minutes.  I remember having an out of body experience on the shore, watching from overhead as the state trooper and the EMTs surveyed my body. 

At the hospital, doctors announced I was paralyzed from the neck down. They told me to start “managing expectations” and that I’d be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. I was 19 years old.

As quickly as I descended into self loathing and suicidal ideations, I remembered: You’re never forgotten. “There’s always one more thing you can do…” (Lt. Col. Hal Moore) 

The next day, I met my physical therapist. He was unlike anyone I’d ever met before. He was also a yoga instructor and told me he was going to teach me breathwork and yoga. He guided me through these breath techniques and it was a complete ride.

 I felt blissed out and even got little pieces of my sensation back.

That was the start of a lifelong journey with breathwork for me. Within two years, I was able to walk with the help of a cane after doctors told me I’d never walk again.

I almost wish I could tell you my life was smooth sailing from there, but it wasn’t. And if it had been, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.

I’d handled the physical, but my mental state was dysregulated. 

I spiraled into deep depression, addiction and homelessness.

After a friend invited me to stay with him, I was able to regain my “never give up” mentality and within two months of consistent breathwork practice, I had weaned myself off even the hardest drugs.

I was getting back on track. I spent 500 hours getting certified as a yoga instructor and started studying ancient breath techniques and how the mind works. 

Around this time, my father committed suicide. 

I already had dozens of friends from the military who had also committed suicide. It was a wake up call for me.

I knew I had to get my mental processes right or the physical aspect wouldn’t matter.

 :cue the dramatic drum roll….it gets worse:

In the midst of grieving my father, I was diagnosed with stage II colon cancer.

I immediately changed my diet and incorporated a whole health protocol into my life. 

A year and a half later, I was officially in remission.

Leland, it has to get better, right!?

Think again…

In 2019, I was involved in a head-on car collision. Again, I was unable to walk.

Luckily, I’d been introduced to Dr. Joe Dispenza a couple years earlier and had a framework to heal myself once again. 

I meditated so much in the hospital that I scared the medical staff!

I learned how to walk for the second time as an adult. 

This time, it only took me seven months.

What if the worst things that have happened to you
are actually the best things that have happened FOR you? 

I’ve come to believe people are the universe in individual expressions. If we choose this life and the body we’re in, I think we are also able to transmute and catalyze our life’s events into experience and wisdom.

When you’re in the “messy middle,” life can seem impossible. I want to help people not fall into the darkness that I lived in for so long.

That’s the driving part of my mission: to help you navigate life without being a drug addict, an alcoholic, or a mental health or chronically ill patient. 

You don’t have to experience that, because I already have. 

Consider me the one who stormed the beach so you wouldn't have to.


This is for you if:

  • You know this isn’t how life is supposed to be
  • You haven’t given up on your goals, even if they’ve faded into the background
  • You’re tired of feeling like a victim
  • You’re sick and tired of feeling sick, stuck, and tired
  • You’re ready to stop struggling with sleep and racing thoughts
  • You know it’s not too late for you
  • You’re ready for more energy, clarity, and focus
  • You want to start showing up better in your relationships
  • You’re ready to find more peace and freedom inside 
  • You’re sick of feeling so much stress and anxiety all the time
  • You believe in the power of your body, even if you don’t know how to hack it yet
  • You know your life is meant for more than just existing
  • You’re seriously committed to your health and personal growth
  • You’re ready to take your power BACK

This is not for you if:

  • You’re OK with your life being like it is now, and for the rest of your life
  • You firmly believe your goals were for the younger you – they don’t matter now
  • You think bad things happen to you and that’s just the way life is
  • You think chronic stress and anxiety are just a part of getting older
  • You believe it’s too late for you. Nothing is going to change
  • You think life sucks and then you die
  • You’re not serious about improving your health or quality of life
  • You're comfortable with feeling like a victim
  • You've accepted feeling sick, stuck, and tired as your permanent state
  • You're okay with struggling with sleep and racing thoughts
  • You're content with your current energy, lack of clarity, and focus
  • You don’t believe you can feel fulfilled unless you have everything you want
  • You don't believe in the power of your body or its potential
  • You're unconcerned about inner state affecting your relationships.

Brooke D. got lasting relief from just one session:

"After just one session of the Welcome Home method, I noticed a significant improvement in my mood and overall well-being. The breathing exercises have helped me manage my stress levels and find a sense of calm that I never thought was possible."

Jason gets better sleep than he has in years:

"After the military, I couldn’t get a normal night's sleep and have battled anxiety for years. The Welcome Home method helps me sleep and manage my stress levels in a healthy way."



Join us in The Willful Warrior Fundamentals to Heal Your Mind, Body & Soul. 



  • 5 Specialized Breathing Practices: Transmute your stress and pain to healing energy using these ancient breath techniques honed by modern science.
  • 10 Virtual Trainings Modules: Learn directly from Leland and benefit from the 20 years of his experience and expertise
  • Access to Recorded Fundamentals Q&A Calls: Access recorded Q&A sessions during your program to perfect your practice for optimal results.
  • Lifetime Access:
    Unlimited lifetime access to all sessions, breathwork practices, and Q&A recordings.
  • Exclusive Access to the Willful Warrior Online Community



If you’re still here and you haven’t gone anywhere yet, let’s level for a second. 

You might be thinking…

> I can’t afford to take something else on that doesn’t get me the results I’m looking for.

> Will this really work for me?

> Is it worth the risk?

I’m here to tell you: you’re wise for being skeptical. 

AND, if it wasn’t for the exact methods that I’ve infused into the Willful Warrior Fundamentals program… Not only would I not be who I am today, I likely wouldn’t even be here at all. 

The thing about stress is that, if you don’t know how to get free from it, you carry it. And the longer you carry it, the heavier it gets. 

It was the *consistent* practice of these ancient breathing techniques that allowed me to…

➔ Regain full mobility after being told I’d never walk again… TWICE.  

 Heal the core root-causes of stress that dated all the way back to my childhood, and led me down a dark path of years of the “messy middle” (which for me looked like severe addition and mental / spiritual / emotional darkness)

➔ Find my soulmate, travel the world, pursue my dream of becoming a doctor, live in my purpose, and help thousands of people to gain their inner freedom. 

The Willful Warrior Fundamentals program won’t just give you temporary relief like so many other “quick-fix” solutions out there. 

It’s ancient medicine backed by modern-day science.


Jim found what can't be taught:

"I found what cannot be taught… true surrender. Wow that hits me hard. I will keep on stepping into this and play in the power that I am. Powerful, beautiful and magical… That’s what we all are! So much love to you, Leland, and thank you so much for all of the work you do. your breath work changing lives!"

Tom reduced his Parkinson's Symptoms:

"I've been dealing with Parkinson's for years, and the Welcome Home method has been a game-changer for me. Not only have my symptoms lessened, but I feel more balanced and centered overall."


Frequently Asked Questions